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Owner primary image Ismail Hossain

SQL Injection Attack


SQL injection attacks are a type of cyber attack in which an attacker inserts malicious SQL code into a web form input field in order to gain unauthorized access to a database. This can allow the attacker to steal sensitive information, modify data, or even delete entire databases.


One common method of SQL injection is through the use of specially crafted input strings, known as payloads, that when submitted to a web form, are executed by the database as part of a SQL query. For example, an attacker might enter the following payload into a login form:

' OR '1'='1

This will cause the query to always return true and allow the attacker to login without a valid username or password.

To prevent SQL injection attacks, developers should use prepared statements and parameterized queries, which separate user input from the SQL command. Input validation and sanitization should also be used to prevent malicious code from being inserted into web forms. Additionally, using web application firewalls and monitoring database activity for suspicious activity can also help to protect against SQL injection attacks.